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Online Resources

Below is an alphabetical list of all online resources offered by Washoe County Library System. For our most popular services, including ebooks, digital magazines, and downloadable audiobooks, please visit the Digital Library. You can browse a list of resources by category here

Need help using these resources? Click here for quick video tutorials.


 A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

  • ABC-CLIO - High school and middle school research. Includes the following databases: American Government, American History, United States Geography, The World at War, World History: Ancient & Medieval Eras, World History: The Modern Era, and World Geography.
  • Academic Journals - Graduate and undergraduate research. Includes over 1,960 indexed and abstracted journals, more than 1,900 full-text journals, and 1,350 peer-reviewed full-text journals.
  • Adult Core Skills - Achieve your personal education and career goals. Improve your math, reading, and speaking skills. Prepare for the US citizenship test. Part of the LearningExpress Library.
  • American Government - High school and middle school research. Part of the ABC-CLIO suite of databases.
  • American History - High school and middle school research. Part of the ABC-CLIO suite of databases.

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  • Book Connections - A collection of more than 177,000 resources about books for children and teens. Includes a readers' advisory tool, resources for homework help, summer reading selections, and more.
  • Brainfuse HelpNow - Live tutors and academic resources for students at all levels, including test preparation, a writing lab, and help completing the FAFSA. Requires the latest version of Java
  • Brainfuse JobNow - A revolutionary service for job seekers featuring test preparation, a writing lab, expert resume assistance, and live interview preparation and career coaching. Requires the latest version of Java
  • Business Source Elite - Business research. Includes full-text articles from business newspapers and magazines, including Harvard Business Review, MacWorld, Kiplinger's Personal Finance, and nearly 500 peer-reviewed publications.

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  • Career Preparation Center - Start a new career or advance in your field. Learn about various career paths, prepare for vocational training entrance and certification exams, and improve your job search skills. Part of the LearningExpress Library.
  • College Admission Test Preparation Center - Includes college entrance essay writing tutorials and test preparation for ACT®, SAT®, PSAT®, and other exams. Part of the LearningExpress Library.
  • College Students Center - Achieve your undergrad goals and prepare for future success. Includes college placement and GRE exam preparation and reviews of math, science, reading, and writing skills. Part of the Learning Express Library. 
  • Computer Source Consumer Edition - The latest information and current trends in high technology. Contains nearly 300 full-text journals and magazines covering topics like computer science, programming, artificial intelligence, cybernetics, robotics, and software.
  • Consumer Health Complete - The most comprehensive resource for consumer-oriented health content, designed to support the information needs of patients and to foster an overall understanding of health-related topics.
  • Consumer Reports - Articles on health, public safety, and the judicial and regulatory actions that affect consumers. The full text of all issues since 1992 is available. This popular resource is provided as part of the library's EBSCO subscription. 

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  • Discover & Go - Access free and discounted passes to Northern Nevada and California museums and cultural attractions with a Washoe County Library card.
  • Driving Tests - Practice tests and learning materials for your Nevada learner's permit and driver license exams. Includes handbooks and practice tests for the standard license, as well as commercial and motorcycle options.

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  • EBSCO Databases - You can search all of our databases from the search box at the top of the page by selecting "Articles & Research." Or click on the EBSCO Databases link to select specific databases from EBSCO.
  • ERIC - The Educational Resource Information Center includes more than 2,200 digests along with references for additional information and citations and abstracts from over 1,000 educational and education-related journals.
  • European Views of the Americas: 1493-1750 - Comprehensive guide to printed records about the Americas written in Europe before 1750. Includes more than 32,000 entries.
  • Explora Educator's Edition - EBSCO databases offering resources for educators.
  • Explora Elementary School - The place to start for elementary school research. Includes full text for more than 70 popular magazines and Lexile reading level for all articles.
  • Explora High School and Explora High School Advanced - Smart high school researchers start with Explora from EBSCO. Includes full text for hundreds of publications in an interface that's easy to search or browse.
  • Explora Middle School - The place to start for middle school research. Includes full text of more than 140 popular magazines and Lexile reading level for all articles.

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  • Glassdoor - For job seekers. Search nationwide listings, read company reviews, and explore salary information and interview insights. All resources are available without an account when accessing Glassdoor from the library website.
  • GreenFILE - A collection of scholarly, government, and general-interest titles with content on global warming, green building, pollution, sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, recycling, and more.

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  • Health Source - Consumer Edition - Includes information on health topics including the medical sciences, food and nutrition, childcare, sports medicine, and general health. The material contained in this database is intended for informational purposes only.
  • Health Source - Nursing/Academic Edition - Provides nearly 550 scholarly full-text journals focusing on many medical disciplines. The material contained in this database is intended for informational purposes only.
  • HelpNow - Live tutors and academic resources for students at all levels, including test preparation, a writing lab, and help completing the FAFSA. Requires the latest version of Java.
  • High School Equivalency Center - Guided support and preparation to help you earn a high school equivalency credential. Build basic skills and prepare for the GED®, HiSET®, and TASC examinations. Part of the LearningExpress Library.
  • History Reference Center - More than 650,000 full-text records from peer-reviewed journals, reference books, periodicals, and thousands of primary source documents covering both US and world history topics.

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  • JobNow - A revolutionary service for job seekers that features expert resume assistance, live interview preparation and career coaching, test preparation, and a writing lab. Requires the latest version of Java

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  • LearningExpress Library - Online tutorials, practice tests, and ebooks for computer skills, job search, workplace skills improvement, career certification and licensure exam prep, college and grad school entrance prep, GED test prep, and more.
  • Libby/OverDrive - Access ebooks and audiobooks from the library's collection on your mobile device. Downloading and reading are simple and intuitive with Libby.
  • LinkedIn Learning - An upgrade and replacement for Lynda.com. Premier online learning resources for business, software, technology, and creative skills to achieve personal and professional goals. 
  • lynda.com - Please see LinkedIn Learning.

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  • MainFile -  Academic study and general interest subject areas. Includes full text, indexing, and abstracting for more than 12,000 publications, plus 440,000 photos, maps and flags, and more than 17,500 company profiles.
  • Mango Languages - Provides easy access to language learning using your computer or mobile device and your Washoe County Library card. 
  • MasterFILE Complete - An upgrade from our previous subscription to MasterFILE Premiere with over 1,100 additional sources. Full text for thousands of general reference articles covering virtually every subject area of general interest. Includes biographies of artists and historical figures and over 70,000 videos from the Associated Press.

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  • Nevada Career Explorer - Explore, plan for, and pursue careers that reflect your passion, skills, and life goals.
  • The New York Times - Complimentary digital access to the New York Times, including historic archives.
  • Newspaper Source Plus - Includes more than 860 full-text newspapers and over 35 million full-text articles and television and radio news transcripts.
  • NoveList Plus - Looking for your next book? Want to find a new author? Can’t remember all the titles in a series? NoveList Plus is a great resource for readers. Search or browse to find books that match your reading style.
  • NoveList K-8 Plus - All the great features of NoveList Plus, with a focus on elementary and middle school readers.

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  • Online Nevada Encyclopedia - Developed with the help of experts at Nevada’s universities, colleges, and state agencies. Look here for information on arts, history, politics and more from a Nevada perspective.
  • OverDrive/Libby - Our collection of downloadable ebooks, audiobooks, and digital magazines. Read or listen on your computer, mobile device, or dedicated e-reader.

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  • Points of View Reference Source - Containing resources that present multiple sides of an issue, this database provides rich content that can help students assess and develop persuasive arguments and essays, better understand controversial issues and develop analytical thinking skills.
  • Professional Development Collection - Designed for professional educators, this database provides a highly specialized collection of hundreds of education journals and reports.
  • ProQuest - Includes full-text access to more than 250 newspapers, blogs, magazines, wire feeds, and broadcast transcripts. Focusing on news outlets in the western United States, the subscription includes all issues of the Reno Gazette-Journal since September 1984.

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  • Recursos Para Hispanohablantes - Herramientas de aprendizaje, carrera y ciudadanía en español. Learning tools, career and citizenship in Spanish. Part of the LearningExpress Library.
  • Reference Solutions - Business research. Includes instant, real-time access to accurate, in-depth information on 24 million US businesses and 235 million US residents to find new business opportunities, research companies, conduct market research, create a business plan, and much more. (formerly ReferenceUSA)
  • Referencia Latina (en español) - Esta base de datos en español de texto completo cubre una amplia gama de temas dentro y fuera de la academia. Ofrece contenido de una variedad de fuentes, incluyendo libros de referencia, revistas de interés general, imágenes con subtítulos en español, e informes de salud.
    Covers a broad array of subjects inside and outside academia, with over 150 multidisciplinary reference books, over 50 general interest magazines, more than 2,500 health reports, and over a million images with captions in Spanish.
  • Regional Business News - Business research. Includes full-text coverage for regional business journals, newspapers and newswires from all metropolitan and rural areas in the United States.
  • Reno Gazette-Journal  - Search and browse recent and historical articles. Digital access includes historic Reno newspapers from the 1870s to the present.
  • Rosetta Stone Library Solutions  -  Rosetta Stone offers language and literacy tools to build your reading, writing, speaking and literacy skills. Available for 24 world languages, its activities will help you refine grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation.

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  • Science Reference Center - High school and middle school research. Includes the full text of nearly 640 science encyclopedias, reference books, periodicals, and other publications.

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  • Teacher Reference Center - Indexing and abstracts for 280 of the most popular teacher and administrator journals and magazines to assist professional educators.
  • TeachingBooks - Features book guides and activities, author interviews, and readings. Features more than 376,000 resources that help bring books to life. 
  • TechBoomers - Especially for baby boomer and senior learners, but great for everyone looking to learn how to use popular web-based services.
  • TumbleBooks - A collection of animated, talking picture books that teach young children the joys of reading in a format they'll love.

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  • United States Geography - High school and middle school research. Part of the ABC-CLIO suite of databases.
  • USA Today - Access USA Today and other Gannet newspapers.

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  • The Wall Street Journal - Online access allows all library card holders to read the most recent several issues of The Wall Street Journal.
  • World at War - High school and middle school research. Part of the ABC-CLIO suite of databases. 
  • World Book - World Book online is a suite research tools that includes encyclopedia articles, primary source collections, educator tools, student activities, pictures, audio, and video, complemented by current periodicals and related websites.
  • World Geography - High school and middle school research. Part of the ABC-CLIO suite of databases.
  • World History: Ancient and Medieval Eras - High school and middle school research. Part of the ABC-CLIO suite of databases.
  • World History: The Modern Era - High school and middle school research. Part of the ABC-CLIO suite of databases.  

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