Reading Suggestions
Reading Recommendations
Check out the What to Read page of our catalog for lists of recommended titles. You can find new releases, popular titles, books by genre, and more.
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Library Catalog & Libby
When using the library catalog or Libby/OverDrive, you can get reading recommendations right where you are. Just search for a book you like, and you find more books to try.
- Browse New Fiction - See popular fiction titles coming soon to your library.
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- In Libby when you find a book you like, go to the bottom of the page to find recommended ebooks, audiobooks, and read-alikes.
- Click on a book to read more about it and get more recommendations.
First Chapter Friday & Book Hook 
Check out First Chapter Friday to hear the opening of a book read by one of our staff members, or get a quick review and summary with Book Hook. Most titles are geared toward kids or young adults.