Libraries Closed for Presidents Day
All Washoe County Library locations will be closed Monday, February 17, for the Presidents Day holiday. Regular hours will resume on Tuesday, February 18.



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Renew Washoe Libraries

Statement from Library Director Jeff Scott regarding the WC-1 vote.

Washoe County Library System is disappointed with the results of WC-1. This Expansion Tax, originally passed in 1994, helped grow the library system with the community. It built South Valleys, Spanish Springs, Northwest Reno, and Incline Village Libraries. It helped us weather the recession and more recently helped us improve our public library facilities. This funding was also essential in keeping weekend and evening hours at our branches. Now with a $4.5 million deficit, our $17 million budget is reduced to a little over $12 million. In this budget is 23 library staff, $1.4 million in books (the entirety of our book budget), and $200,000 of our technology budget. This loss will result in a reduction of public services.

Over the next few months, I will be putting together proposals on service reductions with my library team and library board. When the Expansion Tax expires on June 30, 2025, those cuts will be enacted. More information will be released as we work through this tough budget.

I appreciate those who have worked to pass WC-1 such as Freedom to Read Nevada and regular citizens who fundraised, knocked on doors, and showed up at board meetings to support our library and our librarians. I want to thank our hardworking staff who provide excellent service every day for our public and whose dedication to help children learn to read, help seniors with technology, and provide outreach to those who are disconnected from services are so essential to Washoe County residents. It is my hope that we can continue this great service albeit in a very reduced capacity.

– Jeff Scott, Washoe County Library Director

How will this impact you?

More information about the potential impacts of the loss of library funding can be found below. You can contact your Washoe County Commissioners and the County Manager to let them know that funding library services is important to you. You can also share your thoughts during public comment at meetings of the Board of County Commissioners.

Contact the County Commissioners BCC Meeting Information Contact the County Manager


Librarians Librarians Librarians

On November 5, 2024, Washoe County voters will decide whether to extend a 30-year tax override dedicated to acquiring, constructing, improving, maintaining and operating Washoe County Library System. This is a renewal of a 30-year tax override, not a new tax. An allotment of two cents for every $100 of assessed property value goes directly to Washoe Libraries. This is not an additional tax on Washoe County citizens. Our goal is to maintain the award-winning, outstanding library service Washoe County residents have come to enjoy.


What happens if the library expansion fund initiative passes:

  • Washoe Libraries will be able to renovate South Valleys and Spanish Springs Library.
  • Washoe Libraries will be able to build a new North Valleys Library.
  • Washoe Libraries will be able to expand library services through Bookmobile and Book Vending Machine Services in the North Valleys/Spanish Springs/South Valleys Regions.

What happens if the library expansion fund initiative fails:

  • Washoe Librarians will be laid off.
  • Washoe Libraries book budget will be eliminated.
  • Washoe Libraries technology budget will be eliminated.
  • Washoe Libraries branches will lose weekend and evening hours. 

History of Library Expansion Fund

In 1994, Washoe County Library Director Martha Gould had the vision to enhance Washoe County Libraries. Watching Las Vegas Clark County Library District pass a major bond to expand and renovate their public libraries, she believed Washoe County could do the same. She developed a tax override plan that would enhance Washoe Libraries for the next 30 years.

This tax override initiative would tell Washoe County to give Washoe Libraries two cents from every $100 in assessed property value in the county. With these two cents, Washoe Libraries would plant the seeds of growth over the next 30 years.

Passing in 1994, Washoe County Libraries took advantage of this expansion fund:

  • Building Northwest Reno, South Valleys, Incline Village, and Spanish Springs Library.
  • Assisting Washoe Libraries in weathering the economic recession of 2008–2016
  • Renovating North Valleys, Downtown Reno, Northwest Reno, Sparks, and Sierra View Libraries.

Thirty years later, this tax override is set to expire. If Washoe County had not passed the initiative in 1994, there would not be many of our beautiful libraries providing needed critical services such as early literacy, workforce development, assistance for seniors, as well as our books and our friendly librarians.

Our Plan: Renew Washoe Libraries

Washoe County Library has a three-phase plan to ensure the future of service for Washoe County residents. The library expansion fund initiative is part of the Washoe County Library 2022–2025 Strategic Plan as well as the Washoe County Strategic Plan's Fiscal Sustainability Objective.