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For Kids

Your Washoe County Libraries have valuable resources and activities for kids of all ages! From Baby Story Time and Pre-K programs to interactive events and reading challenges for older kids, your libraries are here to provide  fun educational opportunities for the whole family. 

Books & More

Enjoy animated talking picture books, ebooks, audiobooks, and digital magazines.

Early Literacy Resources

Check out these great resources to advance early literacy and school readiness!

Welcome to Story Time

Our story times feature fingerplays and wiggle action to encourage a love of books and stimulate thinking.

My First Library Card

It’s never too early to embark on your child’s literacy journey. Sign up for a card now!


Library staff-developed STEAM activities geared for upper elementary aged students.

KUNR On the Kids' Shelf

Did you know your librarians can be heard on KUNR? Listen to our past segments here!