Support the Library
Donate Money
Monetary donations to the library are always appreciated and go toward the purchase of new materials for the collection. All donations can be made out to and sent to the following address:
Washoe County Library System
Attn: Development
301 S. Center Street
Reno NV, 89501
If you would like to make an online donation, you may donate to the Friends of Washoe County Library securely via credit card, electronic check, or PayPal.
Become a Friend of the Library
Your membership in the Friends of Washoe County Library helps fund programs, equipment, technology,and materials for the library. You can also make any Amazon purchase matter for local libraries with Amazon Smile. Visit and select "Friends of Washoe County Library." Shopping at Amazon Smile works just like the regular Amazon website, only a portion of your purchase price will be donated to the Friends of Washoe County Library, and everybody wins!
Donate Materials
We always appreciate your donations! These items strengthen our libraries and help us raise needed dollars.
Book donations to the Friends of the Washoe County Library may be brought to 4001 South Virginia Street (at the back of the Reno Town Mall), Tuesday-Saturday, 10 am-noon. Donations are accepted year-round. Please call 775.324.5522 with any questions.
Or, library branches also accept donations of up to two boxes. Loose materials will not be accepted.
If you are donating at a branch and would like the donation to go to the Friends of the Washoe County Library, please mark the boxes accordingly. Items donated to library branches will be evaluated in accordance with the library's Collection Development and Management Policy and Gift Policy.
The library and Friends are not able to pick up donations.
You may donate:
- Books in good condition (pages intact, clean, without markings, etc.)
- Hardback and paperback books
- Audiovisual items (CDs, DVDs, computer software, videos, books on tape, phonograph records, etc.)
- Items for adults and children
We are unable to accept the following items:
These items have limited use and we receive more donations than we can use, sell or give away.
- Incomplete or pre-2000 encyclopedia sets
- Reader's Digest condensed books
- National Geographic magazines

Founded in 1981, Friends of Washoe County Library is a member supported 501(c)(3) non profit organization that advocates, raises funds, and provides support for Washoe County Library System. They provide the community with a chance to invest in the success of the library by donating funds or time through volunteering.
From their board of directors, enthusiastic members, and generous donors, to their extraordinary volunteers and the thousands of people who benefit from the free programs and art galleries they support, they are what the name implies: a collection of committed, caring friends who share a vision of a free public library accessible to all, currently and into the future.
Find more information about the Friends of Washoe County Library at