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Discover & Go: Museum Passes


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What is it?

Discover & Go is a network of libraries and cultural institutions that allows library cardholders to access dozens of Northern Nevada and California museums, science centers, theaters, zoos, and other cultural attractions.

How does it work?

  • If you are a Washoe County resident and at least 14 years old, sign in to Discover & Go with your valid Washoe County Library card number and PIN.
  • After you log in, a list of available attractions will be displayed.
  • To find available offers up to three months in advance, select a date using the calendar or choose from the list of available attractions from the main menu.
  • When you find an offer you would like to redeem, click on "Reserve Pass."
  • Once you view and print your pass, you will no longer have the option to cancel your reservation. We advise that you log on to print your pass the day before or the day of your visit.
  • A limited number of passes are available each month to Washoe County Library cardholders, and most offers limit the number of times an individual user may reserve a pass each year. See individual offers for details.

What attractions are available?

Four local institutions currently offer passes to Washoe County Library cardholders:

Northern California attractions include the DeYoung Museum, the Legion of Honor Museum, the Bay Area Discovery Museum, and the Crocker Art Museum.

Are there any restrictions?

  • Discover & Go is available only to Washoe County residents. If you live in Northern California, your local library may also offer access to Sacramento and Bay Area attractions.
  • You must be at least 14 years old to reserve passes with Discover & Go. Some offers may have higher age requirements.
  • A limited number of passes are available each month, and most offers also limit the number of times an individual user may reserve a pass each year. See individual offers for details.
  • Passes are added monthly at the beginning of each month, three months in advance (for example, March dates become available in January).
  • Passes that are not used but are not canceled before the reservation date will count against available passes, both for individual users and for Washoe County Library as a whole.

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