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Contact Us

Have a question? Ask a librarian!

We are here to help you find the information and resources you need! Telephone assistance is available during open hours. We strive to respond to all email inquiries within 24 hours.

Although we cannot perform extensive research, we can provide brief answers to factual questions, or suggest other sources you may want to consult.

Tutorials for most digital resources are available by clicking the purple Tutorials button on the right of the screen.

Telephone Reference available during open hours:

Reach us by phone for help with your account, placing holds, finding information, or using library resources. Please call any open library for telephone assistance.

Email Reference:

*Fields with a star are required.

Please state your question as specifically as possible. Include key words or phrases that describe your topic. Please let us know what sources you have already consulted, any deadlines involved in your project, and how you will use the requested information (personal use, school project, work, etc.).