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Genealogy Research Resources

In addition those listed below, Washoe County Library System offers several resources that may be of use in performing genealogical research. The library catalog includes numerous instructional books on the subject, and the Downtown Reno Library holds local city directories, telephone books, clipping files, and a complete collection of Reno newspapers on microfilm.

If you are just getting started, Truckee Meadows Community College has this helpful guide with links to additional resources.


Search and browse digitized editions of the Reno Evening Gazette (March 28, 1876 through September 30, 1983) and the Reno Gazette-Journal (September 1, 1984 to present).

Chronicling America
A website providing access to information about historic newspapers and select digitized newspaper pages, produced by the National Digital Newspaper Program, a partnership between the National Endowment for the Humanities and the Library of Congress.

Vital Statistics

A nonprofit family history organization dedicated to connecting families across generations. FamilySearch is free to use but requires an account set up.

Washoe County Birth and Death Records
All birth and death records are kept in the Office of the County Recorder. No free index is available.

Washoe County Divorce Records
All Washoe County divorce records are held in the Second Judicial District Court. No free index is available.

Washoe County Marriage Index
Covers 1970 to present with instructions on ordering marriage certificates.


The Tombstone Transcription Project
A listing of cemeteries in Washoe County with some indexing and photos.

Find a Grave
A website that is searchable by name and location.


University of Nevada, Reno: Nevada In Maps
Digitized maps of Nevada, including Sanborn maps, History maps, and US Geological Survey maps.


Reno Nevada Family History Center
Associated with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, this center has local resources for Washoe County as well as access to Ancestry.com.

World Cat
The world’s largest library catalog can help find books, manuscripts, and other resources that can be ordered through our interlibrary loan program.