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Library Services

3d printer 3D Printing

Eight Washoe County Libraries offer free 3D printing. Library cardholders can submit a file online and then pick up the project once it is completed.

Community COllaborations

Community Collaborations

We support our community in many ways, including collaborative programming and information sharing.

3d printer

Computers & Technology

In addition to computers and Wi-Fi for public use, the library offers basic computer skills classes and drop-in help with mobile devices.

homebound services

Homebound Services

If you are unable to come to the library due to illness or disability, we can bring library materials to you.

library card

Library Card Renewal

If you have received an expiration notice or you have seen a notice that your card is no longer valid, please visit this page for the instructions on how to renew your library account.

3d printer

Library to Go Kiosks

Washoe County Library System offers Library to Go Kiosks at several outdoor locations. These kiosks offer convenient, self-serve library access to anyone with a Washoe County Library card.


Library on the Go Bookmobile

In our Library on the Go Bookmobile you can check out books and DVDs for all ages and sign up for a library card.

Meeting Rooms

Meeting Rooms

Meeting rooms are available at most branches, with a variety of amenities to meet your needs, including after-hours access at some locations.

Discover and Go

Museum Passes

Explore cultural attractions in Northern Nevada and California with Discover & Go and your Washoe County Library card.


Outreach Services

Let us come to you and share the benefits of libraries and lifelong learning with your students, professionals, and community members.

Park Passes

Park Passes

The Library Park Pass provides Washoe County Library card holders a way to gain free entry into any of Nevada’s 27 state parks.