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Colorful Patterned Animals by Emily Reid


All images copyright© Emily Reid. All rights reserved. Used with permission.


I paint with acrylic and oil at home on my tiny farm with a collection of about 20 cast-away animals that inspire some of my artwork. My animals get bad-ass names bestowed upon them by human child, like Butterfly Sparkle, Midnight Dragon, and David.

I studied art in Florence, South Carolina, Bozeman, Montana, and Sydney, Australia.

I have always had a strong sense of color, and connection to animals and our natural world--so through my art I try to combine those elements. I teach art in and around Reno to children and adults, and I think the creative process is more important than the result and should be fun!

Here is my website: www.emilyreidart.com

You should follow me on Instagram: @emilyreidartist