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Washoe County Library System Launches Expanded Hours and Automated Materials Handling

Media Release
For Immediate Release

Andrea Tavener

Effective Monday, March 1, 2021. Book drop availability will be impacted the week of March 1.

Washoe County Library System will again be expanding hours at several library locations and reopening the North Valleys Library one day a week.  Additionally, the Library will be expanding their Automated Materials Handling (AMH) systems.  AMH will provide instant check-in 24/7 so patron library accounts will be immediately up to date.  Once the libraries are able to reopen fully, the automated materials handling systems will compliment other self-service options such as hold pickup and self-checkout which give users the ability to quickly find and check out what they want.

According to Washoe County Library Director Jeff Scott, “The Washoe County Library System strives to offer residents libraries that are modern and welcoming. With the expansion of the automated materials handling system we will be able to provide patrons with the convenience of 24/7 instant check-in.  This will allow our users to check out high demand items without having to wait for their returned items to be checked in.” 

AMH systems are currently installed at the Sparks and South Valleys Libraries.  New AMH systems are scheduled to be installed the week of March 1, 2021 at the Downtown Reno, Spanish Springs, Sierra View and Incline Village Libraries.  In order to accommodate AMH system installation, book drops will be closed at those four locations during this time.  Book drops at the Sparks, South Valleys, Northwest Reno, and North Valleys Libraries will remain open 24/7. All due dates have been extended by one week to allow users to keep their items until the new automated book drops have been installed.

The Washoe County Library System is excited to announce that the North Valleys Library will reopen for grab-and-go hold pickup on Wednesdays from noon to 4:00 pm starting Wednesday, March 3. The Incline Village, South Valleys and Spanish Springs Libraries will also expand hold pickup hours beginning March 1. 

Please visit the Washoe County Library System website for the most current and up-to-date information about our safe reopening at www.washoecountylibrary.us/reopen.


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