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Washoe County Library System Extends Temporary Suspension of In-Person Services

Media Release
For Immediate Release

Andrea Tavener

Hold pickup will resume on January 19, 2021.

COVID-19 cases continue to rise in Washoe County and local hospitals are at or near capacity. In response, Washoe County Library System is extending its temporary suspension of in-person hold pickup services until January 19, 2021.

With the continued rise in COVID-19 cases the Washoe County Library System recognizes the importance of supporting efforts to limit community spread in our region.  With the extended hold pickup service suspension, many Washoe County Library personnel are working in partnership with the Washoe County School District and the Washoe County Health District to conduct contact tracing.  The Library System will still maintain virtual services and are hard at work preparing the public libraries for a safe reopening.

Washoe County Library Director Jeff Scott says, “I am proud of how Washoe County Library staff have responded and persevered despite the challenges of 2020.  Director Scott continued, “Throughout the crisis, staff have demonstrated creativity and dedication to the community, whether through library services or in their efforts to provide needed PPE during the early months of COVID-19 and to assist with contact tracing.“

Washoe County Library System continues to provide enhanced virtual services to support the need for early literacy activities, educational enrichment, and recreational reading for all. Although physical library materials are not available while hold pickup is temporarily suspended, the Library’s expanded digital collection is always available. In addition to virtual events, available resources include audiobooks, ebooks, magazines, and access to The New York Times, Lynda.com, and more.

Washoe County Library System is looking forward to resuming physical services on January 19, 2021 and is excited to welcome the community back into its libraries again soon. Book drops remain open during this period, and no fines are assessed on overdue items. Reference and informational services are also available via email or phone call.

The Washoe County Library System encourages the community to sign up for the Library’s email newsletter and follow the Library on Facebook and Twitter for additional updates.  Please visit the Washoe County Library website for the most current information about reopening, virtual events and resources, or to sign up for an instant digital library card, and more at www.washoecountylibrary.us 



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