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What to know for the General Election

Vote Centers open at 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Election Day

Early Voting ended in Washoe County with nearly 70 percent of registered voters having voted. There are still several ways to vote and things to know ahead of General Election Day, Tuesday, November 3.
  • Mail-in ballots that are postmarked on or before Election Day and received by the Registrar of Voters within seven days after the election will be counted. There is a known issue with the envelope adhesive, and voters may use tape to close the envelope if needed.
  • On Election Day, there will be 29 in-person Vote Centers with ballot dropboxes, and 16 dropbox-only sites. All sites are open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., and those in line at closing will be allowed to vote.
  • Washoe County offers a Wait Times App on its website with real-time estimates on how long a voter will wait in line at each location.
  • The Nevada Legislature enacted same-day registration in 2019 with AB345, which allows voters to register and vote in person at the same time. To do this, residents must show up to a vote center in person and present a Nevada-issued I.D. or driver’s license, and proof of residency. Residency can be proven with a piece of mail that includes the resident’s name and address. Examples are utility bills, bank statement, or rental agreement.
  • Residents who were recently issued an interim driver’s license but have not received their card in the mail yet may present the interim license. Additionally, licenses or I.D.s that have expired since March this year will still be accepted as valid identification.
“The shutdown of public offices, including DMV, due to COVID-19 has required some flexibility for this election,” Deanna Spikula, Washoe County registrar of voters said. “The forms of identification we will accept are secure and will enable eligible voters to exercise their right to vote even though they have not been able to renew their I.D. yet.”
Ballots cast with same-day registration, and other provisional ballots, will be verified and voter eligibility will be confirmed before the ballots are counted as valid and included in tally results.
Election results will not be made available until the last polling location in the state of Nevada has closed and the last voter in line has voted. This will be verified by the Nevada Secretary of State, and at that time, the Washoe County Registrar of Voters will begin to post results online www.washoecounty.us. Results will continue to be updated as mail-in and provisional ballots are counted, and the final tally of the vote will not be confirmed until the Canvass of the Vote on November 16. For more information on the election, visit www.washoecounty.us/voters. Subscribe to the Washoe County YouTube channel for a livestream of the ballot intake area, and follow @WashoeCounty on Twitter for Election Day updates.
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