Printing Unavailable at North Valleys Library; Downtown Reno Library Elevator News
Printing is currently unavailable at the North Valleys Library. Due to ongoing construction, the elevator at the Downtown Reno Library is currently not in service. Computers and restrooms are available on the main level for patrons who are unable to use the stairs, and staff can assist with retrieving materials from other levels.



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Fire Commissioners Adopt FY 2020-21 Budget

Media Release
For Immediate Release

Adam Mayberry

All Fire Stations remain operational

Reno, Nev. May 20, 2020.  On Tuesday, May 19, the Board of Fire Commissioners adopted the Fiscal Year (FY) 2020-21 budget for the Truckee Meadows Fire Protection District (TMFPD).  All fire stations are planned to remain fully staffed and operational. 

The total FY 2020-21 General Fund revenues are estimated at $31.3 million, an increase of .6 percent over estimated current year.

“We take our responsibility of stewardship of the taxpayers’ dollars seriously, and endeavor to spend wisely and effectively, particularly during this economic downturn caused by a global pandemic,” said Fire Chief Charles Moore.  “Our budget includes the expectation of a reduction of consolidated taxes.  The Fire District plan to offset the decline in revenue with reductions in expenditures and use of our reserves.  We continue to monitor the economic conditions closely.  Residents in our service area should know that we are committed to providing the highest level of fire and rescue services.”

Initiatives for FY 2020-21 include the implementation of a new wildland fuels reduction crew, modernizing the Fire District’s fleet of apparatus to include deployment of the District’s ladder truck and the delivery of five new type 1 structural fire engines.  The District will continue planning for new fire stations in Washoe Valley and Hidden Valley, although construction may not commence in the fiscal year.

The Fire District is funded by a designated property tax in unincorporated Washoe County, consolidated taxes (primarily sales tax), and fire prevention fees.  The jurisdiction of TMFPD is approximately 1,000 square miles and protects a significant amount of unincorporated Washoe County.


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