Printing Unavailable at North Valleys Library; Downtown Reno Library Elevator News
Printing is currently unavailable at the North Valleys Library. Due to ongoing construction, the elevator at the Downtown Reno Library is currently not in service. Computers and restrooms are available on the main level for patrons who are unable to use the stairs, and staff can assist with retrieving materials from other levels.



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Statement from Washoe County Commission Chair, Bob Lucey, on behalf of the Commission

COVID-19 Update

Reno, Nev. March 30, 2020. I was heartbroken to learn the news of our first Washoe County resident dying from COVID-19 complications. As a husband, father, grandson and fellow northern Nevada, I would like to express our heartfelt condolences to this man’s family and loved ones. We are grieving with you, and know that our community is committed to stop the spread of this disease so we do not have another family go through what you are having to experience.

I also want to thank our healthcare community, medical professionals and first responders. You have been working tirelessly to take care of us, our community, and for that, we offer our sincerest thanks.

In addition to gratitude, I would begin by asking this of our community: please honor their sacrifice and long hours by doing your part and staying home.

We are now beyond being inconvenienced, this threat is real, and it continues to grow. If you didn’t think you needed to stay home before, I respectfully tell every Nevadan: you need to stay home now.

People’s lives are at stake.

If you are not an essential business, please don’t open your doors to the public. If you are an essential business, please, do not allow any employees who are sick come to work, period.

At Washoe County we are standing side by side with our leaders from the Health District, and all of our regional partners to work together as a unified team to stop the spread of COVID-19 in northern Nevada. I have been working everyday with our Incident Commander, Sam Hicks, and his team. I can't express how impressed I've been at their expertise and dedication to combat COVID-19.
Remember, we are Battle Born and we will get through this together. 

Thank you, and once again, please #StayHomeForNevada.
Bob Lucey, Chair
Washoe County Commission
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