Printing Unavailable at North Valleys Library; Downtown Reno Library Elevator News
Printing is currently unavailable at the North Valleys Library. Due to ongoing construction, the elevator at the Downtown Reno Library is currently not in service. Computers and restrooms are available on the main level for patrons who are unable to use the stairs, and staff can assist with retrieving materials from other levels.



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The 2020 Census is Here!

Complete Your Census at Your Local Library.

The U.S. Constitution requires a count every 10 years of every person living in the United States.  Census results determine how the federal government allocates more than $800 billion each year for services that communities rely on.

Census data also determines representation in Congress and the Electoral College, as well as state and local governments.

Beginning March 12, 2020, the Census Bureau will mail every household in the United States an invitation to respond to the Census, including a new option to respond online.  You can visit any Washoe County Library to use computers to complete the Census.  Library staff are available to help you get started.  In addition, the Spanish Springs Library will be offering a special Census themed story time on March 12, 2020 at 10:30 a.m.

Census responses are confidential.  U.S. law strictly prohibits the Census Bureau from sharing personal Census responses with anyone - including law enforcement, courts, or any other government agency.  For more information, please visit


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