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Back in the Day: Washoe County Parks hosts an evening of history

Media Release
For Immediate Release

Amy Ventetuolo

Public invited to storytelling event in Spanish Springs

Reno, Nev. Jan. 31, 2019. Washoe County Regional Parks and Open Space is hosting a unique opportunity to bring together the community to share personal stories of the Spanish Springs community throughout history with the event “Back in the Day in Spanish Springs” on Friday, February 8, 2019 from 5:30pm-8pm at Lazy 5 Regional Park.

“With Spanish Springs developing and changing faster than ever, it is crucial to remember and capture the stories of the native Nevadans who lived, worked, or recreated in the area before they are forgotten,” says Park Ranger Sarah Snell. The event will include speakers from the Sparks Heritage Museum, the Nevada Historical Society, Gaspari historical ranch, and the Washoe County Board of Commissioners.

“Back in the Day in Spanish Springs”

What: Storytelling event to bring the long-time residents and new residents together to memorialize the history of the changing Spanish Springs community.

When: Friday, February 8, 2019 from 5:30pm-8pm

Where: Lazy 5 Regional Park inside the Cottonwood Room, located next to the Spanish Springs Library at 7100 Pyramid Highway Sparks, NV 89436. 

Details: The event is free and open to all community members. 

“Back in the Day in Spanish Springs” will also give the public an opportunity to present their own stories, memories, photos, or relics publicly. There will also be a “then & now” photo display showcasing changes to the Spanish Springs landscape. Dinner may be purchased during the event from Rockin Diner Rollin Food Truck. The event is to be filmed so that these stories are documented as a record of northern Nevada’s Spanish Springs history.

For more information, contact the Ranger Office at Lazy 5 Regional Park at (775) 424-1866, or email ssnell@washoecounty.us, or visit www.washoecountyparks.com


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