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Weather Preparations for Incline Village

Information on the coming storms and blizzard warning

Incline Village residents:

Washoe County anticipates this week’s storms and tonight’s NWS Reno Blizzard Warning to affect the Incline Village area of Washoe County more heavily than other areas of the county. As always, Washoe County Roads has been preparing and has snow plow operations in place to ensure service levels to the area.

While we will have our crews ready, we advise Incline Village residents to be aware of the NWS Reno warning. The Blizzard Warning image is below:


For questions or concerns about Washoe County services, please contact Washoe311 by dialing 3-1-1 from any phone or at washoe311@washoecounty.us

For storm, blizzard or weather questions, please contact NWS Reno at (775) 673-8100.

Thank you

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