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Top headlines to know from Board of County Commissioners meeting

Media Release
For Immediate Release

Amy Ventetuolo

Washoe County honors retiring staff with Proclamations

Reno, Nev. Dec. 19, 2017. The following report highlights several important agenda items from the Washoe County Board of Commissioners meeting.

1. Proclamations to honor retiring staff were presented. Washoe County staff presented two proclamations for the retiring Alternate Public Defender, Jennifer Lunt and retiring Registrar of Voters, Luanne Cutler.

  • Jennifer Lunt. After 25 years of service to the Washoe County community in the Public Defender’s Office and in the Alternate Public Defender’s Office, Jennifer Lunt, county Alternate Public Defender will be retiring. Assistant County Manager, Kate Thomas, read a proclamation before the Commission. On November 28, 2017 during the Board of County Commissioners meeting, after a public interview process, Mr. Marc Picker was announced as the new Alternate Public Defender for Washoe County after serving in the office for over four years.  
  • Luanne Cutler. Also retiring after a long history of excellence in public service to our community, Luanne Cutler, Registrar of Voters. She has proudly served as the Washoe County Registrar of Voters for 28 years. Her accomplishments include ushering in a new era of voting technology and a focus on the voters of Washoe County. Assistant County Manager, Christine Vuletich, presented a proclamation to Luanne Cutler before the Commission. On October 17, 2017, Ms. Deanna Spikula was appointed as the new Registrar of Voters for Washoe County after serving in the office since 2011.  

“We thank you both for your long-standing excellence to serve Washoe County and our citizens” remarked Commission Chair, Bob Lucey. “I have every confidence, that while you will be missed, you will both thoroughly enjoy your retirement. Thank you for your service to Washoe County.”

2.  Board of County Commissioners accept the following donations:

“I would like to express appreciation for these thoughtful contributions, and we graciously approve and accept them” said Commissioner Vaughn Hartung.


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