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Low-Cost Vaccination and Microchip Clinic for pets

Media Release
For Immediate Release

Amy Ventetuolo

Washoe County Regional Animal Services hosts clinic at Paradise Park

Reno, Nev. Oct. 17, 2017. Washoe County Regional Animal Services (WCRAS) will hold a low-cost vaccination, licensing and microchip clinic at Paradise Park, and will provide free microchips, low-cost vaccinations and licenses for pets on October 21, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

Paradise Park Vaccination and Microchip Clinic:

WHAT:          Free microchips, low-cost vaccinations and dog licensing, hosted by WCRAS.

WHEN:          10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., Saturday October 21, 2017

WHERE:        Paradise Park, 2745 Elementary Dr., Reno, NV 89512 (near Bizarre Guitar)

CONTACT:    Washoe County Regional Animal Services: (775) 353-8900

WCRAS staff and their contract veterinarian will be on-site to provide vaccinations and microchipping for pets. Core vaccinations include: Distemper/Parvo, Bordetella boosters and Rabies vaccinations for dogs and FVRCP and Rabies vaccinations for cats.  The pet limit is three dogs and seven cats per residence.

Dogs over four months of age are required to be licensed in Washoe County.  Dog licenses are $8.00 for dogs that are spayed/neutered, $20.00 for dogs that are not spayed/neutered.

Free microchips are available for both dogs and cats at this event.   You can also bring your pet to WCRAS, Monday-Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., year round. For more information, please visit: https://www.washoecounty.us/animal/news_and_events/events_and_clinics.php



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