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Washoe County and City of Reno partner to reopen portions of Lemmon Drive

Media Release
For Immediate Release

Amy Ventetuolo

Reopening scheduled for Friday, August 4

Media photo, video and interview opportunity:

What: Lemmon Drive reopening

When: Friday, August 4, 2017 from 2:30-3 p.m.

Where: Lemmon Drive Volunteer Fire Station, 130 Nectar St., Reno, NV 89506

Who: Washoe County & City of Reno staff

Reno, Nev. Aug. 3, 2017 — Washoe County and the City of Reno are working to reopen portions of Lemmon Drive on Friday, August 4, 2017 at approximately 2 p.m. The news comes after a successful test barrier removal project conducted by Washoe County and City of Reno engineers.

Small sections of the HESCO flood barrier will be temporarily removed to allow the movement of vehicle traffic along the eastern side of Lemmon Drive. Officials will continually review the roadway performance and should any concerns arise, the roadway will be closed if necessary.

Washoe County and the City of Reno officials are anticipating next winter’s precipitation patterns may require closing of the roadway again, requiring the barrier to be reinstalled.  To be prepared, the selected HESCO barriers that are being removed will be kept at the site, along with the sand, ready to be installed when needed. 

Due to public safety, the following precautions have been put in place:

  • Necessary lighting and reflectors have been placed on the remaining HESCO barriers.
  • The speed limit will be 25 mph.
  • Washoe County and City of Reno staff will continually assess the roadway and be prepared to make emergency repairs if issues develop.
  • Washoe County Sherriff’s Office will increase patrols of the roadway.
  • Emergency service providers as well as the Washoe County School District have been informed.

Washoe County and the City of Reno officials want to remind area residents it is anticipated that water levels will rise through the fall and winter season. While the current barriers have capacity to handle this expected water increase, plans are in place to replace the barriers for the continued protection of the area residents.


Media Contacts:


Washoe County

Amy Ventetuolo, Media Specialist

aventetuolo@washoecounty.us | 775-313-8582


City of Reno

Matthew B. Brown, Communications Manager

brownm@reno.gov | 775-384- 7430

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