Truckee Meadows Fire Protection District closes burning effective immediately
Media Release
For Immediate Release
Adam Mayberry
TMFPD determined it is unsafe for open burning.
Reno, Nevada. April 12, 2017. In lieu of the National Weather Service issuing a high-wind advisory for the region, Truckee Meadows Fire Protection District has made the decision to close burning effective immediately. Residents with a burn permit who have been burning debris piles over the course of the past week are encouraged to ensure the piles are fully saturated and extinguished so that the forecasted high winds will not reignite embers. According to NOAA, winds will increase early Wednesday and continue through Thursday morning. The strongest winds are likely late Wednesday night into early Thursday morning as a cold front passes through the region. Residents are subject to fines if they do not follow burn permit regulations. TMFPD plans to re-open burning once weather conditions permit; residents who want to burn are required to call the TMFPD burn line each day prior to burning at 775-326-6000 (option 3) to verify if it is a permissible burn day for TMFPD.
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