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Washoe County teams up with forestry agencies to spread holiday cheer

Media Release
For Immediate Release

Marie Fong
775.813.3629 or 775.785.4512 x104

Christmas trees are being donated to foster, adoptive and military families.

Reno, Nevada. Dec. 5, 2016. Washoe County Community Services Department, the Nevada Division of Forestry (NDF) and the U.S. Forest Service will be participating in the annual Christmas Trees for Special Families event on Saturday, Dec. 10. The entities will harvest more than 50 trees from Galena Creek Regional Park and give them to Washoe County foster and adoptive families as well as Nevada National Guard families to use as Christmas trees.

NDF Forester Eric Roussel was awarded a grant by the U.S. Forest Service’s Hazardous Fuels Grant Program to provide for wildfire fuels reduction for the forest within Galena Creek Regional Park. Many of the trees identified as part of the fuels reduction treatments include small, white fir trees that needed to be removed anyway and this is a great way to reuse them for the benefit of the community.

On Saturday, Dec. 10, Washoe County Park Rangers and the Nevada Division of Forestry (NDF) will be on-hand with a fire crew and special guests Smokey Bear, Reno Rosie the miniature donkey from Monet’s Menagerie, and horses from Lorie’s Pony Express as families receive their Christmas tree. Families will also be able to enjoy free admission to the Wilbur D. May Museum that day. Keep Truckee Meadows Beautiful, a local private, non-profit organization, will offer free Christmas tree recycling to these families after the event.


  • WHAT: Local foster, adoptive and Nevada National Guard families will be collecting free Christmas trees, and an NDF fire crew with Smokey Bear will be on hand. Foster families will also be offered free admission to the Wilbur D. May Museum. Families from all over are encouraged to attend.
  • WHERE: Rancho San Rafael Regional Park, 1595 N. Sierra St., Reno
  • WHEN: Saturday, Dec. 10, 2016, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Galena Creek and Rancho San Rafael Regional Parks are owned and managed by Washoe County, through its Community Services Department. Washoe County aims to provide exceptional parks and open space, and recreational opportunities while preserving our natural, historical and cultural resources. For more information, visit www.washoecountyparks.com.


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