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Registrar of Voters reports all polls are officially closed

Media Release
For Immediate Release

Amy Ventetuolo

Updated results will be posted as they come in.

Reno, Nevada. Nov. 8, 2016. Today is the 2016 General Election. The Washoe County Manager's Office and the Registrar of Voters' Office will be providing updates to this page throughout the day. 

7:45 p.m. Update - Polls are Closed

Washoe County Registrar of Voters Luanne Cutler reports all 86 polls in Washoe County are now closed. Cutler said the day went really well.

“Today was a great day to see democracy in action," Cutler said. "I want to thank the hundreds of poll workers who gave their day and everybody else who participated in this great, patriotic process.”

Unofficial voting results from today’s General Election will be posted on the Washoe County website once the Secretary of State’s Office confirms all polls statewide have closed.

Follow Washoe County for live election results on Twitter @washoecounty or #NV2016.

5 p.m. Update - Evening voter turnout update

Washoe County Registrar of Voters Luanne Cutler is reporting that 52,485 people have voted today as of 5 p.m., bringing the total turnout number to 199,645 (75 percent total turnout).

3:30 p.m. Update - Early evening voter turnout update

Washoe County Registrar of Voters Luanne Cutler is reporting that 41,108 people have voted today as of 3 p.m., bringing the total turnout number to 188,268 (71 percent total turnout).

1:30 p.m. Update - Afternoon voter turnout update

Washoe County Registrar of Voters Luanne Cutler is reporting that 32,754 people have voted today as of 1 p.m. In total, 180,899 have voted in today’s General Election (In early voting and absentee) as of 1 p.m., which is a turnout of 68 percent. 

There is still time for residents to vote, as all 86 polling locations will not close until 7 p.m. Tuesday. Election results will not be released until after the Nevada Secretary of State approves the process. Unofficial results are expected tonight and will be posted online at www.washoecounty.us/voters.

Election updates are also available online through Twitter by following @washoecounty or #NV2016. You can also see Washoe County's Twitter updates without a login here.

11 a.m. Update - Morning Voter Turnout Numbers

County Registrar of Voters Luanne Cutler reports 18,295 people in Washoe County have voted as of 10 a.m. Tuesday.

All 86 polling locations are open and available for Washoe County registered voters wanting to cast a ballot for this year’s General Election.

What you need to cast a vote:

  • Must be registered with Washoe County.
  • Head to your assigned polling location to vote. To find out where you are supposed to go, look on the back of your sample ballot, visit www.washoecounty.us/voters, or call the Washoe County Registrar of Voters Office at (775) 328-3670.
  • ID is not required to vote, but bring identification in case your signature doesn’t match the signature when you registered.
  • Bring your sample ballot. It’s not required, but can help speed up the process.

Election results will not be released until after the Nevada Secretary of State approves the process. Unofficial results are expected tonight and will be posted online at www.washoecounty.us/voters. More voter turnout information will be released throughout the day on this page.

County Manager John Slaughter visits polling locations

Washoe County Manager John Slaughter and Registrar Luanne Cutler toured some polling places in Washoe County. Slaughter said it was great seeing County residents participating in such an important day. 

“We've been out visiting several polling places today and I have enjoyed talking with the volunteers and poll workers,” Slaughter said. “I appreciate their dedication and commitment to the election process.”

7 a.m. Update - Polls in Washoe County are Open

Washoe County Registrar of Voters Luanne Cutler reports all 86 County polling places opened on time and without any problems at 7 a.m. this morning.

"I'm happy to report all 86 polling locations opened on time today," Cutler said. "We’re anticipating a busy day at the polls today. Optimum voting times for the shortest wait are during mid-morning and mid-afternoon.”

Registered Washoe County voters who wish to cast a ballot in the 2016 General Election have until 7 p.m. PST this evening to do so at their assigned polling place.

Any voter who is unsure where their voting location is can find it on the back of their sample ballot or visit www.washoecounty.us/voters. All you have to do is put in your last name and date of birth online and you’ll have access to all of your election information.

Voters are asked to fill out their sample ballot ahead of time to help speed up the voting process today.

If registered voters have any questions about their sample ballot or anything else General Election- related, they should contact the Washoe County Registrar of Voters Office at (775) 328-3670.

Election updates are also available online through Twitter by following @washoecounty or #NV2016.


Our system does not report on election night by precinct. A precinct-by-precinct report (abstract) will be released following the Board of County Commissioners Canvass of the election. That will take place Nov. 15. At that point, the election results will become “Final and Official.”

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