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Health District EMS Oversight Program realizes significant achievements

Media Release
For Immediate Release

Scott Oxarart
775.328.2414 or 775.276.1021

Program working to ensure the EMS system is responsive to community needs and provides high quality patient care

RENO, NV – Just a little over two years since its inception through an Interlocal Agreement for Emergency Medical Services Oversight executed between the City of Reno, City of Sparks, Washoe County Board of Commissioners, Washoe County Health District, and the Truckee Meadows Board of Fire Commissioners, the Washoe County Health District EMS Oversight Program has made significant progress in its efforts to continuously improve upon EMS services in Washoe County.

At the October 27, 2016 meeting of the Washoe County District Board of Health several achievements were presented and approved by the Board. Some of those accomplishments included:

•  Washoe County awarded HeartSafe Designation: The EMS Oversight Program was honored to announce that Washoe County’s application to become a HeartSafe Community was approved. This designation recognizes regional agencies have taken steps to strengthen the “chain of survival” and improve the system for preventing sudden cardiac arrest.

•  5-Year Strategic Plan: The Board was provided a final draft of the regional 5-year strategic plan which began with a collaborative assessment to examine strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats facing the EMS System from national, regional and local influences. The EMS plan focuses on maintaining or improving clinical care and patient satisfaction; and, improving operational efficiency and collaboration across the region.

•  Completion of the EMS Oversight Program FY 15/16 Annual Report an educational and informational resource highlighting the work and achievements of the region as it related to EMS.

“These accomplishments are the direct outcome of collaborative work with all of our EMS partner agencies, the Regional EMS Advisory Board, and the Health District in response to the 2013 TRIDATA STUDY recommendations for oversight of the regional EMS system to ensure the EMS system is responsive to community needs and provides high quality patient care,” said Washoe County District Health Officer Kevin Dick. “I want to congratulate and thank all of our partnering agencies and staff for their commitment to ensure we are providing the best Emergency Medical Services we can for our citizens and visitors,” said Dick.

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