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West Nile collection confirmed in Washoe Valley

Media Release
For Immediate Release

Scott Oxarart
775.328.2414 or 775.276.1021

Another positive hit for West Nile Virus in Washoe County. This location was Washoe Valley.

Reno, NV - The Washoe County Health District will be insecticide fogging early tomorrow morning due to another positive hit for West Nile Virus.  Confirmation was received from the Animal Diseases Laboratory this afternoon of a positive collection of adult mosquitos in Washoe Valley north of Bellevue Road.

We are fogging early tomorrow morning and following up with our surveillance trapping to determine if the virus  persists and additional fogging is needed.

Health officials remind people to take steps to prevent being bitten by mosquitos that may possibly carry disease.  These steps include:

  • Wear pants and long sleeve shirts during early morning and early evening hours when mosquitos are active,
  • Use insect repellent both on clothing and on skin,
  • Remove standing water around your homes or apartments where mosquitos can breed,
  • Make sure door and window screens are in good repair with no tears or holes, and
  • Use mosquito fish in troughs and water features.

For more information or to report increased mosquito activity in your area call Washoe County Health District Vector Borne Disease Prevention Program at (775) 785-4599.

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