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Early Voting is underway

Media Release
For Immediate Release

Amy Ventetuolo

Find poll locations and hours here.

Reno, Nevada. May 23, 2016. Early voting for the upcoming Primary Election begins Saturday, May 28, 2016. Washoe County has 21 early voting locations this year. Polling locations are open seven days a week. The exact hours and locations of the early voting sites are available at the Registrar’s website. The last day to early vote is Friday, June 10, 2016.

Washoe County Registrar Luanne Cutler reports most sample ballots have been mailed.  If registered voters have any questions about the sample ballot they have received in the mail, they should contact the Washoe County Registrar of Voters Office at (775) 328-3670.

If your address has changed and you haven’t notified the Registrar’s Office, the sample ballot won’t be delivered through the mail prior to the Primary Election. Sample ballots, polling place assignments and mail-in ballot status are also now available at www.washoecounty.us/voters. Registered voters are able to get this information online simply by entering their last name and date of birth.

Important dates to know

  • May 28 Early Voting Starts
  • June 7 Last day to request an absentee ballot
  • June 10 Last day to early vote
  • June 14 Primary Election Day

Washoe County is collaborating with community partners to promote Big Vote Little Excuse in an effort to encourage all citizens to use their voice and vote in the 2016 Primary and General Elections.

Watch the Big Vote Little Excuse Public Service Announcement.

You can help promote Big Vote Little Excuse on social media by using #Bigvotelittleexcuse.

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