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Second Judicial District Court warns residents about ongoing phone scams involving jury service

Media Release
For Immediate Release

Jackie Bryant

Beware of scammers posing as Washoe County Sheriff’s Office personnel.

Reno, Nevada. Feb. 5, 2016. Washoe County’s Second Judicial District Court and the Washoe County Sheriff’s Office continue to receive reports from the public about an ongoing phone scam in which the scammers identify themselves as Sheriff’s Office personnel and tell the potential victims they owe substantial fines for failing to report for jury service.  

Public awareness is the most effective way to defeat these scams. The Second Judicial District Court is warning residents about these scams and asks for the public’s help in telling family, friends and neighbors.

Scammers claim that the call recipient failed to appear for jury service on a specific date and that a fine of up to $2,500 must be paid to avoid arrest. Scammers will often add that multiple letters have already been sent to the potential victim and that law enforcement will be coming to the recipient’s home to effectuate an arrest if the fine is not settled.

The Second Judicial District Court does not impose monetary sanctions for missed jury service over the phone. Additionally, the Second Judicial District Court does not accept payments over the phone.

If the public has questions or concerns about jury service, they are encouraged to call the Second Judicial District Court’s Jury Manager at 775-328-3152. Additional information may also be found at www.washoecourts.com.

Anyone who has suffered a loss as a result of this scam should contact the Washoe County Sheriff’s Office at (775) 328-3001 (option 7).


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