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Food for Fines is back

Media Release
For Immediate Release

Jennifer Oliver

From November 1-30, return library materials and help to feed the hungry in our community.

Get rid of those overdue fines starting Sunday, November 1, 2015 by helping those in need!  For the month of November, patrons can bring cans or boxes of food to the library in lieu of fines to help feed the hungry. Food barrels will be placed at library locations throughout Washoe County and the food will be delivered to the Food Bank of Northern Nevada.  Food brought to Incline Village Library will be donated to Project MANA.

Library patrons are asked to bring one non-perishable food item for every overdue book or other item. (Food cannot be exchanged for lost or damaged library materials.) Everyone is welcome to participate in this food drive.  Last year we collected over 20,000 lbs of food.  Help us top that number this year—now is the time to return library materials and help our community.

These food items are especially needed: Canned meats, fish and peanut butter; macaroni & cheese and pasta meals; powdered milk, baby formula and baby food; complete meals in a can such as stew, chili, ravioli and hearty soups; canned fruits, juice and vegetables; dry cereal, oatmeal, rice and pasta.  

For information about library hours, services, programs, and locations, please visit www.washoecountylibrary.us


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