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District Attorney's Office Gains Murder Conviction After Jury Trial

Media Release
For Immediate Release

Michelle Bays
775.321.4304 (o); 775.771.6049 (c)

Washoe County District Attorney Chris Hicks announced today the conviction of a Washoe County man on a charge of first degree murder

September 22, 2015
Reno, Nevada

Washoe County District Attorney Chris Hicks announced today the conviction of a Washoe County man to a first degree murder charge for his role in the September 10, 2011, killing of his younger brother.  A conviction of first degree murder carries a possible sentence of life with or without the possibility of parole or a definite term of 50 years in prison, with the possibility of parole beginning after 20 years has been served.  In addition, the use of a deadly weapon in this case carries added penalties.

Robert Geoffrey Davis, 52 (DOB 5/30/63) , from Washoe County, was found guilty on Friday, September 18, 2015, of one count of Murder with the Use of a Deadly Weapon after a week-long jury trial.  Davis was previously found guilty of the same charge in District Court in June of 2012.  The case was appealed by the defense to the Nevada State Supreme Court to consider the exclusion of certain statements made by the defendant.  That appeal was granted and the case was returned to District Court to be re-tried.

The case began on September 9, 2011, when the Washoe County Sheriff’s Office responded to a report of a domestic dispute between Davis and his younger brother Mathew Garrett Davis (DOB 5/24/68).  The incident took place at the brothers’ Mogul property, which consisted of adjoining residences.  Law enforcement initially separated the brothers due to Matthew Garrett Davis’ erratic and threatening behavior which stemmed from mental health issues.  Robert Davis later returned to the residence in the early morning hours of September 10, 2011, intoxicated and confronted the victim.  During that confrontation, Davis shot his brother with a shotgun and fled the area.  An investigation followed and Robert Davis was located, arrested and subsequently charged with murder by this office.

Sentencing in this case is set for November 18, 2015, in Department 9 before District Court Judge Scott Freeman.

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