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Citizens are invited to help create a regional emergency plan

Media Release
For Immediate Release

Aaron Kenneston

Public workshop in Sparks to work on a Washoe County Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan.

Reno, Nevada. July 10, 2015. Citizens are invited to a public workshop to help draft the 2015 Washoe County Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan Tuesday, July 14, at 6 p.m., at the Sparks Legislative Council Chambers. Community members will have the opportunity to discuss information in the plan, and give their ideas about ways to reduce risks from natural and man-made hazards. 

What: Public workshop to discuss Washoe County Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan.

Where: Sparks Legislative Council Chambers at 745 4th St., in Sparks, Nev.

When: Tuesday, July 14, 2015, from 6 p.m.-7:30 p.m.

Contact: Aaron Kenneston, Washoe County Emergency Management and Homeland Security at (775) 337-5898 or AKenneston@washoecounty.us.            

Below is a list of upcoming emergency planning meetings:

  • July 16, at Verdi Community Library and Nature Center at 270 Bridge St., Verdi, Nev., from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
  • July 22, at Reno Sparks Tribal Health Center at 1715 Kuenzil St., Reno, Nev., from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
  • July 28, at Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribal Headquarters at 208 Capital Hill, Nixon, Nev., from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

Washoe County Emergency Management is hosting several public workshops to help review and discuss a draft of the 2015 Washoe County Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan. They are in partnership with the Cities of Reno and Sparks, the Reno-Sparks Indian Colony, the Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe, and the Truckee River Flood Management Authority. A schedule of public workshops is posted online.

The draft plan is on the Washoe County Emergency Management website at https://www.washoecounty.us/em/. Additionally, a public questionnaire will be available at the meetings and is also located online for input on local disaster mitigation and recovery needs. 

A draft plan will be submitted for approval to local governing boards in the fall of 2015. . The plan will then be sent to the Federal Emergency Management Agency for final approval.



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