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Washoe County Commissioners accepting applications to fill Airport Authority vacancy

Applications accepted until May 15, 2015 to fill one opening.

Reno, Nevada. May 7, 2015. The Washoe County Board of Commissioners is accepting applications for one vacancy on the Reno-Tahoe Airport Authority for a 4-year term. The position may be eligible for a reappointment to a second term.  

This Board sets policy for the Airport Authority which owns and operates the Reno-Tahoe International Airport and the Reno-Stead Airport. Meetings are held monthly, and each member is entitled to receive $560 per month.

Individuals applying may not hold any elective office, have any financial interest in the aviation industry or have a financial interest in any contract or other transaction with the Board or the Authority. NOTE: Members of the Washoe County Airport Authority are required to file a Financial Disclosure Statement pursuant to NRS 281.561. 

The application for this position is available on the County website at www.washoecounty.us/citizens/board_opportunities.php.

Interested individuals needing more information may contact the Washoe County Manager's Office at 775.328.2002.

The deadline for applications is Friday, May 15, 2015.


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