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Highlights from Washoe County Board of Commissioners meeting

Media Release
For Immediate Release

Nancy Leuenhagen

County Manager John Slaughter highlights plans to encourage economic development.

Reno, Nevada. April 14, 2015. In Tuesday’s annual State of the County presentation, Washoe County Manager John Slaughter took the opportunity to highlight how Washoe County is impacting citizens through services every day. 

During the presentation, Slaughter outlined plans for the upcoming year including:

  • Regional online licensing and permitting for businesses
  • A new Business Facilitator
  • Senior Ambassador Program
  • Continued increased funding for parks
  • Increased hot meals to homebound seniors
  • Groundbreaking for new Medical Examiner facility

Video tributes to the following services and individuals:

“My budget message this next year is ‘cautious optimism,’” said Washoe County Manager John Slaughter. “We are excited about the ongoing economic recovery of our region but we remain cautious. As we look to the next year and beyond, Washoe County faces many opportunities as well as some lingering challenges. We face various cost increases that will offset revenue growth.”

Slaughter also said the County will need to prioritize capital improvement projects that were delayed over the last several years.  “Later this month I will present a proposed budget to the Washoe County Commission that includes the programs and projects I believe will help improve the lives of Washoe County citizens.”

A complete list of department accomplishments is available online. The State of the County PowerPoint presentation has been published online as well.

The following report highlights several important agenda items from the Washoe County Board of Commissioners meeting Tuesday, April 14, 2015. Videos of County Commission meetings are replayed regularly on WCTV (Charter Ch. 193). You may also watch videos-on-demand online.

Update on single stream recycling proposed models and changes to the Garbage Franchise Agreement: Item 16. The Board acknowledged the update on single stream recycling potential models and potential changes to the Garbage Franchise Agreement. The current agreement between Washoe County and Waste Management is set to expire Dec. 12, 2015, with an option to extend for five years. Washoe County Assistant County Manager Kevin Schiller said the impact to residential rates is the primary issue when it comes to implementing single stream recycling in unincorporated Washoe County. The Board gave direction to move forward with options for a new Garbage Franchise Agreement.  

Greg Martinelli said Waste Management has held meetings about new options for County citizens at six citizen advisory boards (CAB) throughout the area. 

The Board agreed to work on finalizing a franchise agreement to include single stream recycling. Information will be provided at future citizen advisory boards. Board updates will be provided each month. The Board is scheduled to review the proposed franchise agreement July 2015.

Funding for the expansion of Gerlach volunteer fire station: Item 5.F.1. The Board approved the transfer of money to the Capital Improvement Fund to expand the Gerlach Volunteer Fire Station. The $83,658 expansion will create approximately 112 square feet and includes a second bathroom with a roll-in shower, a laundry area with a heavy duty washer and dryer, and space for an office area and cots.

The current station is a 2,500 square foot metal building, housing  two ambulances, four Fire Trucks and three utility vehicles. The building doesn’t have enough space for additional staff during large scale events like Burning Man.

Funding for new sidewalk in Sun Valley Item 12. The Board approved funding for a subgrant award which will provide a safe pedestrian sidewalk from Lois Allen Elementary School and Sun Valley Blvd. The Nevada Department of Transportation and Washoe County teamed up to accept a $200,000 Federal Highway Administration Transportation Alternatives Program subgrant to help make the project happen. The project is also funded through a Washoe County Community Development Block Grant.

Introduction and first reading of an ordinance amending Washoe County Code Chapter 55 regarding care for feral cats: Item 15. The Board introduced an ordinance amending Washoe County Code Chapter 55 regarding the managed care of feral cates. The ordinance also changes the definitions of nuisance and owner. A second reading of the ordinance is scheduled for a Board meeting at a later date?


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