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Washoe County awards office supply bid to local business and grows its local charitable giving

Media Release
For Immediate Release

Nancy Leuenhagen

It's My Community Store named the office supply contractor for Washoe County.

Reno, Nevada. January 30, 2015. Washoe County is changing the way it orders Post-it Notes and other office supplies and by doing so will be donating up to 8 percent of revenue from the annual $550,000 office supply budget to a local charity. The Washoe County Commission approved the selection of It’s My Community Store, a national office products dealer, as the office supply contractor for the county. Due to the unique business and charitable contribution model of It’s My Community Store, the County Commissioners will be selecting a charity that will receive funds as part of the company’s give back program.

Through a formal bid and review process, competing bidders were selected based on price, delivery and programs offered. It’s My Community Store competed against Office Depot/Office Max and won the annual contract in November 2014. Previously the Washoe County office supply contract was managed by Office Max, making this the first time in more than 10 years that a locally-owned company was awarded the bid.

“It’s My Community Store won the bid based on price, programs and services offered,” said Washoe County Commission Chair Marsha Berkbigler. “Washoe County is excited to give back to a locally owned company. We are hoping this sets a precedent for other government agencies in the area to support more businesses that are homegrown.”

It’s My Community Store’s innovative business model, founded by Jenifer Rose, donates up to 10 percent of every order to a nonprofit of the customers choosing. The primary goal of the business is to give back to the community and by doing so strengthens the relationship between businesses and charities. It’s My Community Store’s business model has the ability to provide a steady stream of funding for important programs in the community and, with hundreds of businesses already on board and the addition of the Washoe County contract, It’s My Community Store anticipates continued growth into 2015.

According to Rose, “My 20 years of experience in the office supply industry, proved one thing; there’s got to be a better way. That’s what It’s My Community Store is all about. When business goes to a local company a lot more of that money stays and circulates back into our local economy. Traditionally more than 65 cents of every dollar stays in the community versus 34 cents when you purchase from companies that have corporate headquarters in another state or country. A percentage of the annual office supply budget will be donated to charity thereby keeping even more money circulating and improving our community. The County is setting a wonderful example of the importance of supporting locally owned companies that in turn support our community.”

For more information about It’s My Community Store, visit online at http://www.itsmycommunitystore.com/.

With more than 80 nonprofits in five states, and hundreds of businesses purchasing every day office supplies through the program, It’s My Community Store connects businesses with charities and strengthen communities. Up to 10 percent of every order is donated to a local charity or nonprofit of the customers choosing. This income allows nonprofits and charities to support their missions. Established in 2011, It’s My Community Store continuously adds nonprofits and charities as well as businesses dedicated to helping the community.



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